Veolia Environmental Services, which is a French company are the largest waste management companies in Europe.  They are responsible for shifting millions of tonnes of both domestic and industrial waste every single year. They are also heavily involved in recycling and energy.

In a recent move, Veolia have stepped up to the mark in a £7 million initiative to help with domestic heating and commercial heating in London.  This district heating scheme will supply the excess heat and hot water generated by its treatment facilities to over 2500 buildings across Bermondsey and Southwark.

This programme with help residents lower their bills, and reduces carbon emissions by around 8000 tonnes per year.  This isn’t the first time Veolia has embarked up such a scheme, it’s currently in operation in Sheffield, and is working extremely well.  There are plans to roll the system out to other cities like Leeds and Shropshire, and fingers crossed, we’ll see something like this coming to Manchester